
  • Wildlife Asia – Director
  • Silvery Gibbon Project – President
  • IUCN Asian Rhino Specialist Group – Member

Aligning with her position as Executive Director of Wildlife Asia, Clare is also the Chairperson of the Asian Rhino Project, President of the Silvery Gibbon
Project and Board member of The Orangutan Project. She is also a member
of the IUCN Asian Rhino Specialist Group and Primate Specialists Group,
Section on Small Apes. As well as a BSc in Zoology and Marine Biology
Clare holds a Post Graduate Certificate in Captive Vertebrate Management
and was awarded James Cook University Alumni of the Year for Science in
2013 for her contribution to wildlife conservation.

Clare Campbell

KWCI Co-ordinator

(Executive Director, Wildlife Asia)

Clare Campbell is on a mission for change. After graduating from Zoology and Marine Biology she worked at Perth Zoo for well over a decade, establishing conservation programs around key species within Asia. Recognising the broader conservation needs in Asia, Clare established Wildlife Asia in partnership with several long-standing, species-focused organisations, to deliver immediate and effective conservation of priority landscapes.

Working directly with local communities and field teams Clare has helped to establish Wildlife Protection Units across Indonesia and Myanmar, conducted rescue, rehabilitation and successful reintroduction of gibbons and orangutans, and supported groundbreaking research and the establishment of new protected areas.

Clare brings extensive experience in wildlife conservation and not for profit management to her role as Co-ordinator of KWCI and is responsible for fundraising and donor management as well as communications and strategic development of the project.

Contact details


+61 438992325
